Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan (2024)

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1922 0 BickUhix uutlnucd rom at Contlnned rom Onr Stoutwear 7 jfhaHre OCCOAtorbL Embroidered Tricotine $5975 Wear $4975 Hairline Men's Continued rom Page One Embroidered Piquetine $110 Matthews Spring Suit Special Mr William Tefft Bar In June Spring Wear Attractively Priced Skirts and Sweaters for Golfing 'It Really Payt to Buy Good urs' Chokers and oxes for Spring STEINWAY Coutfnurd rom Page One Joy and 3 The Instrument of the Immortals 2 Continued rom One STEINWAY STEINWAY Caracul Skins marry Sttgagentenis Grinnell Bros the slight 1 Vl lB 1 "1 1250 1250 1250 2000 2250 2950 Everything in the Realm of Music 1695 3975 3500 7500 7500 9500 9500 9500 18500 30000 the completion ot their Hr and Mrs Theodore at few has and in in mother look it In mar Pltts York Hiss Attractive lanterns shaded lights and trailing vines tranferrod the A nbbey Into a garden Tues day evening for the dance which Mr and Mrs Herbert Berdan and Mr and Mra Jack Pyle gave for 80 of their friends Supper was served In the ladles' dining room young matrons who were closely Identified with the life In the White House during General Benjamin Harrison's regime Mrs Russell Har rison daughter in law of that presi dent spending her winters In the historic mansion during that ad ministration and Mrs Parker niece of the first lady of the land at that time and sister of the present Mrs Benjamin Harrison whose husband was naval aldo to the president Mr and Mrs Dexter erry who have been In Bermuda arrived home Saturday of the doxen known have We alt wish we ell wish Mr and Mrs Stephen will remove the first ot 584 i Second boulevard Stevenson Arriving home Saturday from a visit In Now York were Mr and Mrs John Searls and Rt Ger bo mu 1 lo I served prnfrs Kolinsky itch Chokers Stone Marten Chokers Dyed Wolf Animal Scarf (Like etc I have very very llttlo If It does It will rattle the teeth are scheduled for great popularity this season and we have collected one of the finest and most comprehensive displays for your approval The fact that it really pays to buy good furs is enhanced by the realization that you can also purchase first quality furs al conservative prices Grand and Upright Pianos every the country and Hawaii Grand and Up' right Duo Art Reproducing Pianos Mr and Mrs Russell A Alger and Miss ay Alger have arrived lt Pasadena Calif where they are guests at the Hotel Huntington So does every sen woman I know But a mysterious power destiny that shapes lower ends especially 2d loor Washington Arcade PART OUR A fine collection of Spring models 8erj Trlcotina Jer sey Heather Mixtures Tweeds Hixes to 56 Styles that ac centuate slenderness and reflect popular fashions SUNDAY MARCH Daniel Campau who la making his annual visit In Santa Barbara Calif is expected home about the first of April Bowling April from to Hutel Catalog also Book of Portraits of Musical Celebrities mailed on request No more brilliant affair lias been given this season than the luncheon on Tuesday In honor of Secretary Hughes given by the Persian minis ter Mirza Hussein Khan Altai fol lowed by a largo reception with dancing given In celebration of the Persian new year The luncheon company was a stag one but at the reception Mme Jusaerand wife ot the rench ambassador who Is dean ot the diplomatic corps acted as hostess and received the guests with the minister The legation which Is rich In Oriental atmosphere of rare rugs and hangings em broideries and such was made more attractive with spring flowers and foliage In green white and red the Persian national colors Pending new home Hutchinson have moved into an apartment at 1030 Van Dyke ave nue Mr and hour are expecting to sail tor a trip to Europe her brother Lendall accompanied to New slater In law who went to Greenwich visit before coming to be Mrs Parker's guest STORAGE REPAIRING REMODELING In Wales certain church Mr ToWnsend young wife of Senator Charles Townsend Is one ot the greatest frequenters of the senate gallery Also she has one of the keenest minds among the women ot official society Mrs Townsend understands legislation and politics thoroughly and enjoys the debates with as much relish as she does her early morning game with the senator and his colleagues on the public golf course They play almost every day and like many others who we members ot the various country clubs round about Washington they prefer the public courso which has had four holes recently added to it This is a favorite course of Presi dent Harding too who may be found there oftener than at the country clubs the attractive Mr and Mrs Herbert Boynton of Michigan who are spending the winter In Washington entertained a company at dinner Sunday eve ning quite Informally at the Wil lard Captain and Mrs David St Pierro Gaillard thu latter formerly Miss Mona Blodgett of Grand Rapids left Tuesday for the new post of duty at Narhvllle Tenn where he has been ordered They have given Up their apartment on California avenue and made the trip to Tennessee by aulomoblln Mr and Mrs 11 McCain of Al pena have arrived In Washington for a spring visit and are at Ward man Park Inn Tea tlmo strain florca Parker went to Paris at tho riage ot She was by Mr McCord Conn to Detroit to later At the Source of Its Creation luncheon may be obtained from Dean Myra office before Thursday Theta Sigma sorority will give a rainbow The Dansant In tho 'Wo ederation club from 2 to 7 o'clock Saturday April 15 There will bo cards for those who wish to engage tables There will sic for dancing and from o'clock refreshments will bo ortunos will be told by slonnl fortune tellers and there will be attractively decorated booths where baked goods novelties candy and Howers will bo sold Tho various chairmen of commit tees are: Miss Marion Lindsay gen ual chairman Mias Kathleen Ret tonmler hall Miss Elizabeth Has call music Mias lorence Meno grab bag Miss Hclert Shafor pub licity Miss Louise Matthews tick ets Miss Helen Johnson decoration Miss Jean Miss Miss fortune tolling Miss Dorothy tenmler novelties and Miss trudo North cigarettes Spring Suits $2295 to $15000 Spring Coati $1975 to $14950 Spring Dresses $1975 to $19500 Corsets 495 to New Blouses 195 to New Skirts 695 to Lingerie Negligees Hosiery growing In strength upon the stage nt any rate Gllda Varosl In "En ter Madame wears 'em down to her pumps Women who hate long frocks look at them and sigh They don't want to bo forced to It 1'11 hold out as long as anybody I think short frocks are sane and long ones crazy slble English which Is the our our And being unable to attract at tention through silk stockings we are all beginning to try now to at tract It with wild colors at the Savoy or the Rita Is a on tho eyes Nothing Is loo primary vociferous rl3 jjcavoatumes Miss Virginia Hodges who been making a visit with Mr Mrs Charles Hodges at Grosse olnte Is leaving Wednesday tor tho east where she will join her sister Miss Clara Hodges Together they will sail April 8 for Europe The Misses Hodges spent the winter at tho Country club It seems the king himself nut of his own personal pocketbook Is to pay the cost of the painting of the Princess wedding which Is being done by rank Salis bury It will bo hung In Windsor Castle where already hang similar paintings ot the weddings of Queen Victoria King Edward and Queen Mary irst however It will be publicly exhibited In London and reproduc tions will be made of It to bo gen erally sold All proceeds from such efforts will go to those particular charities In which Princess Mary Is especially interested (Copyright 1922 Uy The Edward Marshall Syndicate Inc) fr and Mrs George Codd announce the engagement of their daughter Kathleen to Mr Clarence Boydcll son of Mr and Mrs rank Boydcll Mrs Bennett of Chicago announces the engagement of het daughter Marie Antoinette to Mr Augustus Paul Heinze son of Mr and Mrs Panl Heinze of Kimberly Court Detroit Lane Bryant presents slenderiz ing originations and Paris adaptations that herald the approach of Easter Sixes 38 to 56 Skin Kolinsky itch Chokers Skin Natural Mink Chokers and 4 Skin Natural Squirrel Chokers Taupe Rose and Blue Kitt ox Skin Skin Blue ox) Skin ine Jap Marten Chokers Skin Natural Hudson Bay Sable Extra ine Quality Taupe oxes Skin Dark Natural Baum Marten Chokers Beautiful Platinum oxes Skin ine Jap Marten Chokers inest Quality Blue Dyed White oxes ine Natural Cross oxes Natural Blue ox (Iceland) ine Natural Silver oxes Can Be Purchased in Michigan Only at the House of Grinnell So Sir Neville Pearson la to Mias Mary Angela Mond daughter of Sir Alfred The tragedy of Neville's blind but famous death In a bath tub which gave this handsome and popular lad tho baronetcy attracts much attention to thia match But It would have much without IL Mlaa Mary Angela Mend's father la one of what might be called Eng land's professional cabinet mini sters The marriage surprises many people because the able and evan very brilliant minister of health (his pre ent job) In Hebraic I don't know about the bride's Mary Angela doesn't the least personally I have not eat objection to auch weddings ex cept that the majority or more which I have turned out unhappily Sir Arthur happiness Mrs Cameron Waterman and her daughter Miss Mary Elizabeth Waterman who Is a student Dobbs erry are passing a weeks at Atlantic City Over members have formed a corporation which they call "Religion Limited" for the purpose of paying off church debts I suggest the formation ot a corporation in England to be call ed "aithfulness for the purpose ot keeping hunoands and wives out of the divorce court Matrimony Is full ot such extraor dinary things! There is the re cent revelation that while Mordkin tho famous Russian dancer was winning triumphs and presumably money hi great quantities the very very beautiful Madamo Mordkin was almost dying of starvation In Tillis because she was too proud to take the relief offered to destitute Rus sians by the American and Allied organizations In about a week (on tho tlrst of April to be exact) the women ot England 111 have to do what tho women of most American states have had to do take from tholr hats the plumage of such birds as yield their decorative feathers only to the murderous hunter Ostrich feathers co*cks' plumes and so on aro to remain available for the British milliners This will have a worse effect upon the rench hat artists than It will on those of England for nearly nil the smartest Englishwomen wear hats made by Paris Personally 1 am delighted by tho new law and Its passage was urged by many of the boat known women In England In cluding the duch*ess ot Hamilton the duch*ess of Portland Mrs Reg inald McKenna Lady Rhondda Lady Astor Lady Cunard and the duch*ess of Sutherland Princess Mary favored it as did both queens The League of American Pen Wo men will next month celebrate Itsliver jubilee having Its biennial convention and Book fair April 25 28 at Wardman Park Inn The president Mrs William Atherton DuPuy being absent tn Europe Mrs Henry Wilder Keyes wife ot the junior senator from New Hamp shire who is first vice president is acting president Mrs Theodore Til ler president of the District of Co lumbia chapter of the league Is chairman of hospitalities for the convention and has arranged an elaborate program of festivities in cluding the breakfast at noon April 36 There will be 600 plates with a limited number of guests of honor men and women whose names are well known in the literary and artistic worlds Among these will be Mrs rances Hodg son Burnett Mrs Mary Roberts Rhinehart Mrs A Beach leading woman composer angsig Americans Miss Margaret Wldde mar General Pershing Basil King Dr Maurice rancis Egan John arar editor of The Bookman Bigelow editor of Good House keeping and Lyman Sturgis editor of The Century Mrs Louis Geldort of Michi gan (Grace Duffle Boylan) is chair man of the Book fair committee and has charge of the breakfast The several days will conclude with a beaux arts ball with historic pag eant a real authors' carnival cos tume ball on the evening of the twenty eighth Mrs Harry Atwood Colman second vice president is chairman of the conventinn Dele gates will be here from branch throughout from Alaska and OX and WOL in All the Newest Shades Mary Angela happiness Her father has been I have no doubt a very useful British citizen during the war and since with his explosive "Eh whal which Interlards his conversation between almost every pair of sentences I believe tie learned to shout It out as he does after taking a course of Instruction from a big gun on tho landers front I have heatrd It across a hundred foot ot crowd ed chattering dish rattling space in tho busy lunch hour at the Ritz Will it crop up when tho Blabop asks him at thu altar "Who giveth doubt choir's Purchase made so easy there is no thought of burden Other instruments actepted in part payment Would you not be happier for the presence of a Steinway in your home? Interesting Events To Be Staged Soon LANE BRYANT originated the idea bf adapting designs that accentuate slen derness This idea has developed into an INSTITUTION with magnificent stores in New York Chicago and Detroit where we serve thousands of stout women daily March 13 To Mr and Mrs Edgar Campbell Thompson (Mildred Hunt) a son Stuart McCune March 18 At Colorado Spring to Mr and Mrs John Potter (Betty Muir) formerly of Detroit a daughter Marian Muir Marcli To Mr and Mrs Ward A Detwiler (Grace Margaret Albert) a son George Albert MarcljJ 23 To Mr and Mrs Julian Dickinson (Ruth Wilkinson) a daughter IN ALL things you would naturally go to the beginning the source the where Inspiration and execution were fused into the product of genius thus avoiding imitations ON COMMITTEE OR ATI IENA DANCE Inc urriers 2308 Woodward Avenue at Montcalm THEY WORK 1 REE PRESS WANT ADS Capital Planning Easter Gaities IXHTUS PALTER Lottie Spelter and Ethel Lat president and treasurer respective ly of the Athena girls have been placed In charge of the arrange ments for the April ool frolic given In the American Eagle temple'fturday The proceeds will used to assist the poor with their 1'assover necessities An open meeting will bo conducted Monday evening following the dance to which all the friends of the club are' Invited A program with refresh ments will be tho feature 3750 5500 5500 5500 OTEINWAY the instrument of Liszt and Rubinstein Wagner Berlioz and Gounod! And today a still greater Steinway than these great men knew responds to the touch of Paderewski Rachmaninoff and Hof mann and is possessed and played and cher ished not only by the few who are the masters of music but by the many who are its lovers (ormerly Alice Shop) 212 David Whitney Bldg Second loor Main 7634 Gertrude North flowers Miss Ramsay pastry and candy Margaret Lindsay costumes Helen Shafor cards Present models in Crepes Taffetas Kashas Jersey and Twills for Cire Embroidered Piquetine $125 Paisley Market To Open in April am also playing an important part in the draping of spring apparel and will be favorably featured as throws and neck pieces We have an excellent variety in PLATINUM GREY GOLDEN BLACK HENNA 52V Representative and Mrs Joseph ordney entertained a company nt dinner Saturday night at the Willard when their guests were Representative and Mrs Ira Cop ley of Illinois Representative and Mrs Allen Moore of Illinois Rep resentative and IMrs George Young ot North Dakota Represen tative Henry Watson of Penn sylvania Representative Mc Laughlin of Michigan Representa tive Smith of Michigan Mr and Mrs Truman Palmer Colonel and Mrs Benjamin uller Dr and Mrs Raymond Holden Mrs Thomas Jackson daughter of the hosts Mrs Nellie ealy Mrs Jules Demonet Mrs ordney of Michigan Mrs Robert Taiham of Mississippi daughter of tho hosts Judge 1 Jones and Mrs O'Connor I YOU were in quest of knowledge you would go to the source and fountain head of enlightenment the great writers' and thinkers of the past and present i tw I YOU were in search of pictorial beau tv vou would co to the museums where large collections of the works of great mas ters are to be seen in great numbers You would not be satisfied with the cheap re prints of catalogues or the laborious copies of mediocre artists i Woodward Avenue The bridge luncheon to be given by the Daughters of British Empire (Essex chapter) April 18 at the ederation building promises to be a very enjoyable event A prize for each table has been dpnatod by a generous friend ot tho organization the value ot each being considerably higher than amount asked tor lunch eon and bridge Tables are being quickly taken so those wishing to attend should make reservations early as tho number is limited Reservations may ba made by calling tho chairman Mrs McCombs Tho proceeds will bo devoted to philanthropic purposes Essex chapter at recent meeting sub scribed $86 to tho Child Labor Na tional committee lu addition to dividual contributions made by torested members Local olk And Their Activities TUB DETROIT REE PRESS 26 Storei Headquarters Grinnell Bldg 1515 Woodward Ave Downtown Branch Broadway near Monro Danforth Mrs rank Vollartson Mrs Milton Darling Aprons in all sizes In fascinating styles and de signs garden aprons fudge aprons aprons kitchen aprons work aprons and parlor aprons will bo shown In the booth where Mrs Harry Bills assisted by Mrs Obetz Miss Hodge Mias I Stimson tnd Mrs Henry Goff may bo found Thu Easter novelties with orig inal designs will again be In charge of Mrs Stephen Knight Mrs Harry Morris Mrs George Duggan find Mrs rank Broderick will sell homemade candles Homemade baked goods preserves nnd jellies will bo presided over by Mrs rank Kofhm Mr Milton Richards Mrs William Traub and Mrs Rollin Stevens Clothing toys and bon nets for tho babies will be ably handled by Mrs James Murray Mrs Elsie Richardson Mrs Hoff nnd Mrs Gonrgc Bridge players will find ample en tertainment on the ballroom floor where 25 tables will ba set up Mrs Bevington is chairman for tho bridge nnd reservation may be made with her The market la under the auspices of tho Detroit Student I'an und society and is conducted for the purpose of financing young men and women who need assistance In pre paring for the medical profession Mrs Elliot Hlovenson is presi dent of the organization Mr and Mrs Richard family are leaving this week for their annual visit In Atlantic City Divorce Harvest eared In England MN'DTl aS a a if MkAli Il au Hi IT I Hl I LL i i 1 I Ira I a 4 i 3 I I 4 1 1 1 iWASHI KGTOK "BLVD MMBbauhful KVtfTl 1 'I 1 1 i DnurelJiJereaV01uns itr all W'''I VIv 0 A Nk VV 0 "Wraps and i Vi yJ r' a JI Sy ate i 1 II ft I I i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 2 I $)A75 siWIr isijljlo Hi IL IT aIB I KinnininiujinmnTWfnii 33trtls I i4yu12 A 4 8 i I.

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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan (2024)


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.