The Kansas City Star from Kansas City, Missouri (2024)

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The Kansas City Stari

Kansas City, Missouri

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IIIISONNIPANISIMER MANI KANSAS CITY STAR SUNDAY LUNE 11 1930 THE STAR SAPPHIRE RING 0 I SOCIETy 0 Ile will sail Wednesday for Europe WEDDING DATES NEAR where he will spend the summer Miss Helen Elise Snower will return twiny from Sarah Lawrence BETTY STEPHENSON TO PE MAR-school Bronxvil le to spend MED IN EARLY FALL the summer with her parents Mr and Mrs William Snow "31 ('-" I A A k4144ido i'lc--1 firrn114 44 Wat Remembergood figures ore not born they're well corseted by Remembergood figures ore not born they're well corseted by i th Itl'' I ll 1 1 i I i-7- I I Irttiola tVehloo to Ile Bride joint 3Ic titer Shea rr Noptlak Juno 21 Mr and Mrs Theodore Harris and daughter Eunice Ririe of Dallas Tex are visiting Mrs Harris's brother Mr Al Baler and Mrs Bair 1009 West Seventy-seventh street terrace Up to 3313 Discount From low importer's prices Priced horn $20 to $4000 Miss Audrey Weldon has returned from the University of Missouri will leave June 21 for Ludington Mich to spend he summer Mrs Clyde 1-1 Porter and Miss Jean Porter left hist night tor a visit ill New York and Washington Joseph Reed Porter who has been isiting Mr and Mrs Porter has returned to his home in Schenectady Mr and Mrs Havner Parish of Jefferson City are visiting Mrs Abba Parish hostess of a lancheon yesterday in compliment to Mrs George Peek to whose friends the guests were limited Mr Frederick Dierks has returned from the Massaehusetts Institute of Technology to spend the summer with his parents Mr and Mrs Frederick Dierks Mrs George Carl Ilanell Jr and small son George Carl Harrell III or Muskogee Ok are guests of Mrs Harrell's parents Dr and Mrs Howard Cantwell Mr and Mrs Roy A Roberts enter- tained with a small dinner last night the University club in eelebration of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary Mr and Mrs Chester Livingston of Honolulu will arrive Wednesday to visit Mrs Livingston's sister Mrs Clarence Shepard Mr Shepard and Mr and Mrs George Gordon They will then leaVe for Northern Michigan Mr and 'Airs Herbert Jones kit yesterday for Ole Tenn where they will spend a few days Dr and Mrs Walton Hall will give a dinner Thursday nidlt June Mr and Mrs Carl A Char 720 West Forty-eighth 8treet announce the birth May 20 of a daughter whom they have named Ingrid Care Mist Dorothy Lobb of New IAmdon Conn is the week-end guest of Mr and Mrs Winston Dudley of Cleveland She will visit her parents Mr and Mrs John Lobb after attending the Mr and Mrs a (1 Moore hsve as guests Mrs I ('()1(1 iI of Urbana and Moss Lila Rose of Oshkosh Wis Miss Laing mod Miss Frances McKelvey kit yesterday for New Orleans They i1 sail June 17 for a West cruise Mr and Mrs Robert Barney El Ntis Harriet Collins returned yesterday from Briarcliff Junior Briarcliff MMIOE Mr and Mrs Robert Frazier Mr and Mrs Clay Stephenson announce the engagement of their daughter Betty to Mr Edward Salford son of Mr and Mrs Safford of Augusta Kits Miss Stephenson attended the University of Kansas and is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority Mr Safford was graduated from the University of Kansas where he was a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity The wedding will take place In the early fall Miss Virginia Dale Weldon has chosen Tuesday June 20 as the date of her marriage to Mr Henry Ileitzeberg Jr She will have as her only attendants Mrs Robert Cummings of Oklahoma City and little Janet Libby who will be flower girl Mr James Heitzeberg will act as best man for his brother The ceremony will take place at 10 o'clock in the morning in the garden at the home of the bride's parents Mr and Mrs Ben Beverly Weldon Miss Ruth Marie McCall and Mr Elmer Sheaf! of Little Rock Ark will be married June 24 at the home of Mr and Mrs Lanier Williams The attendants will be Miss Mary Jane Wishropp Miss Priscilla Adams and Mr Justus Baird of St Louis Miss Dorothy Elizabeth Ul 'rich and Mr James A Rai ley will be married at 5 o'clock Friday night June 23 in the parlors of the Country Club Christian church with only the immediate families and a few close friends present URDAY BRIDES -130 Zrao One of America's great corset designers gives you the moulded romantic silhouette of the 1S60's without a bit of the exhausting discomfort that distinguished the 17" wasp waist The acknowledged genius of Poirette is yours in this lovely satin lastex and power net garment Sizes 33-37 JOHN TAYLOR'S Fou rth Floor -wanso I 250 HYANNIS As hostess or guest you'll enjoy the knowledge that you're looking your best in this pure silk print frock with diagonal floral stripe Bright green navy or royal with white $3500 Chasnoffil 1 1111 111! 1'1 i 11 Ir 4 You are cordially invited to view his rare collection JACCARDS 1017 walnut St---KA Mo 11e100MWINIW ten eighteen walnut 1 1 1 alisai iv f- 4 6- 1 't 4 i I 1 0 cl 11 X-- 0 (3 I )P 4 1 -141- 0 130 '-7- $12-5- '14 i i i) 11Y))L You -1 70 0 Velollo lc id i hi e' are cordially in- -051 --9 4 -i vte to view I t-" 1 rare collection 1 JACCARDS r-4 t) ri 1 1017 WalnUt KC Mo 1 I 7 1: 1 I i 1414 $1250 ten eighteen walnut I 1 i 2 1 i One of A nt erica's great corset i designers gives you the moulded i I romantic silhouette of the 1S60's 1 (lc '1 without a bit of the exhausting I i discomfort that distinguished the lil i Ili! I 1 1 17" wasp waist The acknowl 1 edged genius of Poirette is yours i l' 1 in this lovely satin lastex and i II! 0 1 power net garment Sizes 3337 re 11' 11 1 wh-N ft I 16 FoUrth Floor i 11 1 I 1 11 lir 1 Ji0IIN TAYLOR' I -Is i II 1 4 1 11 'I: '7' 7 ST" 44441 'ii'a i 1 '1 I k''I 4 db I ill i ''''1 A-yans(2a 4r: ":4 1 i 11(09902411D 1 -I PIP 106friii G'and Av6 1 1 -V '1 I '1131'e's'0Agetra(1 tk41 J'' 1 1 lk I 41k: i 1 1 '1 kl 41writilgl I itT tiIr iiiiN 1141! 't 111 il 4 7 I gi ii Ili 1 m1 et i -j 'i II' '3 1 HYANNIS I 4 1 fif 11) As hostess or guest you'll 1 I 4 i- AT 4 ti Ai enjoy the knowledge that 1 1: 1 you're looldng your best 1 1 :1 i' in this pure silk print frock 1 I with diagonal floral stripe i I 'f -t Bright green navy or 0 royal with white $3500 1 I :1 L------- Mr and Mrs Emil Constant Ducommun of Beverly Hills Calif have announced the engagement of their daughter Peggy to Mr Charles Gibson Taylor son of Mr and Mrs Benjamin Harrison Taylor of Beverly Hills formerly of Pittsburgh The marriage will take place in July Miss Ducommun has been a guest of Miss Nancy Hargis and of Miss Peggy O'Neill Bruen Miss Mart ha Louise Rogers daughter of Mr and Mrs Jesse Francis Rogers has chosen Saturday night July 8 as the date a her marriage to Dr William Meredith Thomas son of Dr and Mrs Thomas of Independence Mo The marriage will take place at 8:30 clock in the evening at the Salem Baptist church Allred Mitchell Pho topro Missouri i ti i 41 it 4 -k-: Neck i- I i eV 4 7 ri dop 101 :1 4:: 14 411 I i 4 1 416 i i Awom000t 14: 'lli i 40(11414)" 41 t-1 4 iiv At 1 iii) i -4' I 44 4li tr4 Arr xoss i 1 44 00' A 4- 4- I A 04 -1-3k lA it '1" i'' 44 ir 4- al 7 te OP' --i i 4 Ar' gr' tri'-'1'' 4--- 4 Phol pro ph 4r ff74' i'llt4! ''''r 4 '1 4'''' 'VA 'i' i '41 00 i Irrrfi- i si X' irist 1 or sl 1:111 i i'A! i- 4' 44-4 44-4' 'x if ''4 1114 ''r isv 'N i 7 'It '4: goi ir 4-4 4 4 -t -4 108f44 9 7 1 i 1 ildwi if1 kg 1-0': k'' i :44441 41605-3 A i it! kr4 4: 4: f- r-i Allred Mitchell I 4 'tell s1 4: 1i -70 -4: tiorl' :1 i 7 t- 'I 1 0 '41' 4i oi 1 7 kit I'v 1 tr '4tr le 4 4 Ike- 4----AtA 7 4 trAY Ar t(lt ks1-r4 i A0 1 14- cc I i 4p I i tpo sll'It 4 efe 1 Ar 4 47 1 IiilS0 $1: otio '-'r1' 4 4 i 4t I 1 1 1 it itY 4 aki4i140 itit: i' e'A iiit)00 i 1 i i 4 1 4 4k- y1 tl I I '4 I i 40 i -3 4 i 4 1 4 A ii It V''! A 11 1 i A I Irj1 I 1 7:::::: sour! 1 -) 7 it l4 P' 'A iiikx0orte's I 5: it :::4 16 4 4' ile" aim 4P graduation exercises of her brother John David Jr at Ann Arbor Mich graduation exercises of her brothe John David Jr at Ann Arboi Mich MirhrU Phnhgraph 22 for Miss Betty Phillips and Mr Joshua Molter Hall lkfrs Haywood Hagerman left yesterday for Santa Pe where she will visit her daughter Mrs Malcolm Bigelow and Mr Air -1 A geoph for Miss Betty Phillips and Mr ma Nlotter Hall left NI is Haywood Hagerman le erday for Santa Fe where ill visit her daughter Mrs calm Bigelow and Mr Bige- Miss Emily Hirsch has chosen June 17 as the date of her marriage to Mr Robert Higgins Ebert of Chi cago The marriage will take place in Oxford England Miss Hirsch is a daughter of Mrs Bennett Schneider and of Mr Irving Hirsch 1 Mr and Mrs Shirley Metzger have returned from their wedding trip in the South and are at home at 4350 Rockhill road Mrs Metzger was Miss Mildred Haas of Clinton Ok Mr and Mrs Kirk William Phal- ing 4907 Waldron avenue have been I entertaining Mr Owen Probert of Auckland New Zealand who has left for the East to resume his world tour 1Mr Kirk William Phaling Jr has returned from the University of I Mr and Mrs Shirley Metzger ha returned from their wedding trip i 1 the South and are at home at 43 MRocisskhmililldrreodadiiaaMs of Clinton NIilielttozgnerokU1 Mr and Mrs Kirk William Pha trig 4907 Waldron avenue have bee 1 I entertaining Mr Owen Probert 1 Auckland New Zealand who has it for the East to resume his world tou 1Mr Kirk William Phaling Jr has ri turned from the University of Mi Mrs Gilmer Meriwether returned last night from a visit with Mr and Mrs James Hunter Meriwether in Los Angeles rs Gilmer Merireturned wether night from a visit with Mr and James Hunter Meriwether in Angeles Dr and Mrs Wilson of Brunswick Mo announce the engagement of their daughter Margaret to Mr Prank Mills of Atlanta Ga The marriage will take place Saturday Mr and Mrs Francis Wornall will leave July 1 to spend the sum- mer at their summer home in Tyrone It They will be accompanted by Mrs Milton Singleton and children who have taken a house at Tyrone for the summer I and Mrs Fran cis Woan (- leave July 1 to spend the sum- I 3 at their summer home in 'one They will be accom- tied by Mrs Milton Singleton I children who have taken a house ryrone for the summer Wood Hills Golf and Country club will hold its bridge luncheon Wednesday with golf in the morning Mrs Lee Roberts and Mrs Sam Carnes hostemes will be assisted by Mrs Kelley and Mrs clothe Wood Hills Golf and Country oh will hold its bridge lunche Wednesday with golf in the mornir Lee Roberts and Mrs Sa --Straus--Peyton Notograplz Maurice Albert Clippinger She is a daughter of Mrs Maurice Albert Clippinger She is a daughter of Airs Mrs Malcolm Lowry and her daughter Mtss Rutherford Lowry will leave today for La Jolla Calif Miss Lowry will later go to Lake Tahoe Calif to attend Camp Mr and Mrs George Gordon gave a dinner in the garden at their home last Friday night in their honor htttp rs kiri PIO hpr nrel 1 nwr Nialcolin Lowry and her Mr and Mrs Arthur O'Donnell announce the engagement of their daughter Dorothy Louise to Mr Roger Price Mundell son of Mr and Mrs Joseph A Mundell Miss O'Donnell will be attended by Mrs John Bosserman as matron of honor Mrs Ralph Shores and Mrs Harold Thies will be bridesmaids Mr Ralph Shores will act as best man for Mr Mundell The ushers will be Mr Mervin Lund and Mr Robert Crump ley The ceremony will take place at 8:30 o'clock June 30 at the Roanoke Presbyterian church and will be followed by a reception at the home of the bride's parents Before her marriay last night Mrs jr 'left was Miss Janet Crysler Lovitt Walter Lovitt Before her marriage yesterday afternoon Mrs Houston LeRoi Herndon (center) was Miss Jane Platt She is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Beverly Platt The ceremony took place in St Paul's Episcopal Before her marrhem last high' at the Kansas City club Ntrs Robert Sidney Williams I was Is Gratia Alario Curtis She is a daughter ot Mr and Mrs Joseph Spencer Curtis Miss Ruth Mering has returned front Northwestern university in Evanston El and Miss Jean Maring has returned from the Sophie Newcomb college in New Orleans They will spend a few days at Lindenwood college and Miss Virginia Mering who has been a student at the coi1 lege will return home with them 1 early this week Mr and Mrs Joseph Spencer Curtis entertained with a bridal dinner last Friday night for their daughter Miss Gratia Marie Curtis and Mr Robert Sidney Williams and their bridal party White garden flowers with ivory tapers in crystal holders decorated the table Miss Curtis store a navy blue marquisette dinner gown and her corsage was of gardenias THE GOB! 1795 our cool crepe slack suit in navy is perfect for most any sport Sizes 10 to IS Country Club Shop Second Floor THE GOB! our cool crepe slack suit in navy is perfect for most liott Jr and Mr Norman Hobart are entertaining Mrs Frazier's sisjr will entertain with a dinner ter Mrs Charles Drury Brenner of Miss Martha McLendon is spending a week in Chicago as the guest of the alumni council of the'University of Chicago at its annual reunion and regional adviser's meeting She will attend the annual law school association dinner to be held Tuesday night Mr and Mrs Orion Bell of Independence announce the engagement of their daughter Ada Lee to Mr Lofton Keirsey jr son of Mr and Mrs Lofton Keirsey of Independence The marriage will take place at 8 o'clock Friday evening June 30 at the Waldo Avenne Baptist church Independente 1 Burbank Calif 1 x47 )11111relitnall's 4b4 June Sale Nill (' 'T2) l'N3 Miss Julia Eileen Ward daughter of Mr and Mrs Ward has The Beta Beta Delta alumnae will entertain with a Founder's day tea today at the home of Mrs John (Continued on Following Page) Thursday night at the Kansas City club in honor of Miss Gertrude Amelia Bryant and Mr Charles Henry Jr Mrs A Severance and Mrs Dean Rising nave a breakfast last Thursday at the home of Mrs Severance or Miss Bryant Mr Thomas Phillips and his mother Mrs Thomas Phillips left yesterday June 10 to motor East to Pikesville MC where NIr Phillips will be married to Miss Betty McCoy daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Edwin McCoy Monday June 19 at 4 o'clock in the afternoon at St Charles church 7 Ein'gf On the City 1 (Continued on Following Page) Mr and Mrs William Lewis Yule will give a small supper and swimming party Wednesday night at the Mission Hills Country club for their daughter Miss Ann Yule and Mr Watson Duncan Mr and Mrs Lowell Goodman Simonds will entertain with a buffet supper tonight in compliment to Miss Yule and Mr Duncan Mrs Edward Stevens was hostess of a dinner Friday night in their honor Mr and Mrs John Duncan gave a tea last Sunday for them Mr and Mrs Marshall Beach will entertain with a dinner tomorrow night for Miss Yule and Mr Duncan Guests will be limited to members of their bridal party Wednesday woman's day at the Blue Hills club the bostees will be: Mrs Nell Barron Mrs Harrison Mrs lepI BMkV Mr Loren Mrs Fred Corroll colt Mrs FItts Mrs Mc Mrs Roland Ford (tavern Mrs Fautoon Mrs Louis Graham Mrs John NV Wag Mrs Charles ner Zeskey Gamma Phi Beta Mothers' club of the University of Missouri will give a picnic dinner Saturday at the country home of Mr and Mrs Prable at Lake Lotawana Betty Byrd Felter Is gradtlElting from Vassar college tomorrow She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Felter 421 East Sixty-ninth street terrace Miss Fetter will go directly to the home of Mayor and Mrs LaGuardia where she has accepted a position for the summer as director of play for their children MisSiznplicity $395 to 985 Corsettes $595 to $1195 Girdles $195 to $1495 Lacing Corsets $395 and $595 Lingerie and Negligees 20 Off Blouses $250 up Sweaters $189 up (At Plaza Shop) Both Shops Air Conditioned 217 47th The Plaza CO: Gir Lac Bloi i 1 4 11 11 'J li I i 11 i A- 0 li liANC NICHOLS 200 West 47th "A Genuine Scoop" 'l Monday Only i Special Pgrchase of 1 Dark Travel Suits and One Piece Dresses made to sell for Nit's William Morton of San Francisco will arrive Tuesday to visit her parents Mr and Airs Walter Napier Mrs II Ashton will be hostess of a buffet supper Tuesday night for Mrs Morton 304 Waldheim Bldg 11th and Main Bldg 304 Waldheim Ilki lith and Main 7 Mr and Mrs Parker Francis and son Richard Love will leave tonight for North Andover Mass to attend the graduation of their son Parker Francis III front Brooks school They will be joined by another son John Byers Francis who attends Harvard and they will all visit in New England and New York and attend the Harvard-Yale crew races at New London Conn Miss Laura Kellogg daughter of Mr and Mrs Scott Kellogg will return Wednesday from New York The expansion committee of the Kansas City Art Institute will have as guest of honor Airs Jacob Leander Loose at the Opening of the outdoor studio at 10:30 o'clock tomorrow when 'Thomas Hart Benton will give a talk on "How to Paint a Picture" Mrs Hal Gav lord will be assisted by: FArl Allen Mvs John Fenn lk Mrs Alncrt lkak Mrs Mary Firth $1695 and $25 $12 ar Mr and Mrs Eugene Nottberg have returned from New York Mrs John Nottberg who accompanied them sailed Alay 26 for Germany i where she will spend a year 5 Air'''--- 1 lionotna 't ititc)C- ind in's 41 1011131 St itii Il 1 1 i I 1 PROTECT Your Fur and Winter Wardrobe Investment With Refrigerated Storage Vaults They're freezing cold (I Plus Vapor Sterilization i l' i 1) Mrs Anna Alderson Bailey will entertain with a dinner tomorrow night for Miss Dorothy Ulrich Mr James A Bailey and Mr and Mrs Bailey of Berkeley Calif Mr Ralph Myers left Friday for a visit in Chicago and New York (Sizes 10 to 20) Were Air-Conditioned (j Mrs Charles Gill and Miss Belle Boone NO II leave June 20 for Cali I 1) fl 1 I i 1 I )1 i') fornia rea nroJoix ranslin Crahhs Mrs Fran Grant Clow ell Mrs George rs Lpon Den Join Downing Mrs Fimron Mr Jame Mr- Jaines Mrs Ovtile 8 Mc Pherson Mrs Mary Mos Mrs Nichols Mrs Mrs Bertrad Mrs Clrirence Mrs )A'alliice Guth Mrs James Goodrich Mrs nomas Green Mrs Irme Bur Mrs IA'alton H01111fA Mrs trytnrr Mrs Chit JOIlett Mrs Burnett Sunpson Ralph Stout Mrs 'Thomas Strickler Mrs Fred Vincent Mrs John Wtlex Mrs FAIwin Yenmaus Mtss rancrs LeRtin DO THE SMART THING THIS SUMMER Mr and Mrs Charles 'Miser will have as guests their daughter Mrs Roderick Cupp and Iler small daughter Carolyn of Oak Park whowill arrive Tuesday on Our Own Premises 2 of Value $300 Minimum ACME CLEANSING CO CreaseResisting LINENS $100 $200 Quality I yd NIO Altman Bldg Corner litb and Walnut 7 7 Fli LI Jane Leidigh has left for f31ttl miss neten stout Kendallville Ind where she IA Kendallville Ind where she yin' 30-pcra Miss Helen Stout VA 7732 Linwood Gil AVIS TAHRICS A visit Mr and Mrs A Edmond Park and she later will go to New York A4- 4-446 it 0LAT- t-) rto I Mrs George Comber of Pa-adena Calif formerly of KanNaS City left yesterday to visit her son Dr Ralph Coomber and Mrs Coomber in Chicago She will visit in Kansas City later before returning home Imported Summer Black Summer Mr and Mrs David Childs will leave Thursday to attend the graduation of Mr David Childs from Harvard college CHECK GINGHAM IIA 11 rill I Your Clothes Will Conte Back Fresh Cool and Clean Mrs Raymond Watson and daughter Marie Bell will leave today for Leland Stanford university to attend the graduation next Sunday of Mr Raymond jr mac hintlemi permanent Fist ity Regular 98c On Sale ky 9 Itok over Star Want Ada todant Many offers will interest zott--Adlit 1--- 15-usr Fog FuN a 1 1208 Maill PLAY CLOTHE 4 2'' rt 01 iv e) st) stow 014 41111mk' AP 1 1 Mitanyokozorveersr wSiztarinWtearnestt Always the choice of the world's best dressed women black becomes an especially important fashion this summer for travel for town wear at the we present an entirely new collection of summer blacks effectively touched with color from which this buttondown-the-front sheer dress with leather bet at $1795 is representative of a large group Sizes 12 to $1295 to $4995 Mr and Mrs Thomas Brady announce the birth May 22 of a son whom they have named Thomas i Brady jr Mrs Brady was Miss Jacqueline Roy6ter 1 Mrs Joseph Lf cher win has been a guest of Mr and Mrs Frank Wren returned yesierday to her home in WaAingnn Mr and Mrs John Buecking have returned Loin their honeymoon in the East and are at home 21 West Sixty-lift street I Mrs Juhn jr wm Mr and 'Mts John Stocking and their daughter Miss Suzanne Stocking has been attending Chevy Chase sehorA have returned from Chevy Chase in Washington givea a magnificent lovely listroua dry or brittle ends-Host Mit waves and ringletS---glive and vital The perfect PERMANKST tor attmmer Featured by over 300 Beauty Shops by Cleaning and Dyeing Are Not Sidelines With Us Yd (19 Banana 11 Geo Weyer Inc Mrs Phillip Campbell and sons Mr Phillip Bales Campbell and Mr Campbell and Mrs Camikell's nicce Miss Lenore Bales i 03 1219 Main I310 4417 Troost VA 332 0 3rd Floor Shar Bldg lith A Walnut th A walnut lanftwomel mmo 11 tNts.

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The Kansas City Star from Kansas City, Missouri (2024)


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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.